The Matterhorn Motel. Sedona, Arizona
August 1992. Trying to find the road into Sedona, Arizona in the pitch night. My map reading skills were lacking at the time. To the trepidation of my companions, I veered onto an unpaved, gravel road. After a tense, rocky hour-long trip, slipping past survivalist camps along the way, we emerged from a canyon and arrived at The Matterhorn Motel at 2 am. We woke up to blistering sunlight and a sick view of the Red Rock Hills; the Mr. Coffee motel coffee tasted strong. Johnny Rivers was on The Today Show on the RCA Victor hanging from a bracket from the ceiling. Giving it his all at 9 am East Coast time. Secret Agent Man.
“There’s a man who leads a life of danger
Swinging on the Riviera one day
And then laying in a Bombay alley next day”
“That road you took was sketchy at first but it turned out to be a cool shortcut,” one of my travel companions said, as we soaked up Mr. Rivers’ energetic, early-morning performance.
With five days remaining on the road trip, kissing persuasive lips now seemed a near certainty.