Sauro Motel Blog


Temporary “About Bobby Sauro”Page

Sunday, November 19th, 2023


Bobby Sauro’s short fiction has appeared in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Fiction Attic, Connotation Press, Fiction Southeast, elimae, Burnt Bridge, Corium, Dew on the Kudzu, and Red Fez. 


His story “Forgotten Flyers” was included in the anthology Flash in the Attic 2: 44 Very Short Stories (with 43 others) from Available from Amazon.

Bobby grew up in New Jersey, went to Union Catholic High School in Scotch Plains, college at Boston College, and law school in Atlanta. He’s worked in a nail polish factory, for a Wall Street law firm that defended CBS against General Westmoreland, and for a Chinese history professor who knew Stalin. Physical and spiritual loneliness, music, colorful characters, a deep sense of place populate his stories, essays, and blog posts.

Bobby Sauro at the shuttered Howard Johnson’s Restaurant – Asbury Park Boardwalk

He resides in Atlanta but spends most nights at SauroMotel. His IG is


Though some of the blog posts on this site are loosely based on actual events, any remote similarities to Mr. Sauro’s life, family or friends are greatly exaggerated.


“SauroMotel,” “A Literary Motor Inn,” “Old Newark Bluff,” and “Affinity Trinities” are trademarks owned by Bobby Sauro. Copying or distributing any pictures, graphics or other materials contained on this site is prohibited. However, printing a copy for your personal enjoyment is encouraged.